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Aung Naing Soe
P h o t o g r a p h y
My work from Myanmar, my beloved home that is never free of chaos and instability. Generations after generations sacrificed their time in prison or in the civil war to change this country, but it's not moving forward. It was hopeful to cover my home country in my early career, but all those positive mindsets faded away year after year. Nevertheless, I managed not to miss any of those moments, and here are some.

A company of resistance soldiers from the Bamar People Liberation Army is seen in an oath-taking ceremony in Karen Stae, Myanmar, in April 2024.

Portrait of Kyaw Gyi, a 29-year-old hairstylist who lost an eye as he served in Myanmar's resistance war in Karen State. (January 2023)

Members of the Karenni National Defense Force are mourning at the funeral of their comrade in Demoso Township, Karenni State, Myanmar, in March 2024.

An IDP camp from Myanmar's Karen State was seen from Thailand across the Moei River in January 2022.

A toddler from an IDP camp in Shan State plays among the graveyards in a cemetery where victims of the post-coup civil war are buried. (March 2024)
A displaced man from Demoso township, Karenni State, getting out of the bomb shelter.
(March 2024)

A riot police shooting at protestors in Yangon during the anti-coup protests. (March 2021)

A large crowd of protestors gathered in downtown Yangon to protest against the Coup. (February 2021)
A three-finger protest sign appeared through a red flag during the anti-coup protest.
(February 2021)
A female protestor is waving her phone flashlight during the protest. (March 2021)

The funeral of a 13-year-old boy who got shot by the military while he was playing in Yangon. (February 2021)
I moved to Thailand a few months after the Coup and still can't get away from the smell of tear gas and protest.

All these photos of proests in Thailand were taken between May to August 2021.
The Black Lives Matter Movement that I witnessed during my journalism fellowship year gave me unexpected experiences of covering in the US.

Riot polices blocking a protestor from Black Lives Matter Movement in Phoenix, AZ in May 2020.

Portrait of a protestor from Black Lives Matter protest in Phoenix, AZ in May 2020.
Portrait of a protestor from Black Lives Matter protest in Phoenix, AZ in May 2020.

BLM protestors marched in Phoenix. (May 2020)
BLM protestors fired fireworks as the police from the Phoenix PD dispersed. (May 2020)
The Before-2018-Myanmar was mixed with chaos and hopefulness but always unstable.

Portrait of a Rohingya man from Aung Mingalar Quarter in Sittwe, Myanmar. This image was taken during my assignment trip in Rakhine state in March 2017.

Children from Karen IDP camp in Thai-Myanmar Border praying to end civil war on International Peace Day, September 2017.

The last day of campaigning by NLD in November, 2015 before their landslide victory.

State Counsellor, Aung Sann Suu Kyi leaving 21st Century Panglong Peace Conference in Naypyidaw.

Prominent Nationalist monk, Wirathu giving speech at anti Rohingya rally in Yangon.
Rohingya refugees from Noman's land across Myanmar border, August, 2018.